What we have to say Reports and surveys Majority of NHS App users find it beneficial in managing their health The latest report from The Patient Coalition for AI, Data and Digital Tech in Health (the Digital Coalition) shows patients value and use the NHS App. Based on the views of more than 600 people from across England, the report shows more than three in four (78%) respondents said they use the NHS App, finding it easy and of value. But more than one third said they couldn’t access key information they wanted through the NHS App such as test results (39%) or personal health records (36%). The survey also found that some GP practices have prevented access to some health records, despite being asked by NHS England to make patient health records accessible via the App. Some respondents said the variability of accessing this information was impacting their motivation to use the App. More than a fifth (23%) of people completing the survey never or rarely used the NHS App for technical reasons, including issues with: Accessing a smartphone Downloading the App Registration Logging in. Among this group of respondents, or people who said they helped others to use the NHS App, there was a significant lack of skills and confidence in using it. More than one third (36%) never or rarely used the NHS App because they didn’t want to engage with technology or didn’t see the benefit of using the App and would prefer to speak to a person instead. Read the report: Public and Patient Experience of the NHS App. Manage Cookie Preferences