About us Our purpose How we see the world The Patients Association is an independent patient charity campaigning for improvements in health and social care for patients. Uniquely for a charity with a remit covering all health and care issues, we work with patients directly: they are our members and supporters, and also the people who benefit from our help and information services. Through our helpline we provide information to thousands of people each year about the health and social care system. We also speak to government, the NHS and other stakeholders about patients' priorities and concerns, to ensure the patient voice is heard and acted upon. Our purpose To ensure that everybody can access and benefit from the health and care they need to live well, by ensuring that services are designed and delivered through equal partnership with patients. Strategic focus 2021-25 Patient partnership in the design and delivery of health and care services. Our core values ensure we never lose sight of what we're trying to achieve. Diversity: We value diversity by encouraging a trusting, open and inclusive environment for staff, volunteers, patients, and stakeholders. Dignity and Respect: We treat every person with kindness, respect and dignity. Inclusive: We welcome people’s differences and believe it is important people are comfortable to be themselves while they are working/engaging with us. Partnership: We work in partnership to make things better for patients so everyone can get and benefit from the health and care they need. These core values serve to guide our decision-making and the strategic direction of the Patients Association, and fundamentally underpin everything we do. Board of Trustee's statement on diversity Diversity goes to the heart of the Patients Association and we are committed to being a diverse organisation, tackling inequality in all its forms. Diversity is at the heart of our purpose to ensure everybody can access and benefit from the health and care they need to live well by ensuring that services are designed and delivered through equal partnership with patients. As an organisation that wants to speak for patients, it is our responsibility to understand the experiences of all patients. We do that by working in partnership with patients and stakeholders. Health inequalities are increasing. Outcomes for patients from Black, Asian, and other ethnic minority communities, and those from more socially deprived backgrounds are poorer than for patients from more affluent, white communities. If we are to play our part in reducing inequalities, we must first look at ourselves. As a board of trustees we are committed to building and maintaining a board of trustees and staff group that are diverse in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation and background. We recognise diverse perspectives contribute to better decision making and we are dedicated to creating an inclusive environment where all board members and staff and volunteers feel valued, respected and empowered to share their unique insights. Our strategy Our 2023 annual review Our most recent AGM Manage Cookie Preferences