2023 - Position statement on new health professions providing services to patients
We believe every healthcare professional should receive appropriate supervision, maintain high standards of care and roles must be clearly defined and communicated to avoid any confusion or overlap with other healthcare professionals. We updated the statement in July 2024 to add new research from Healthwatch England on people’s experience and understanding of physician associates, one of the new health professional roles. 

2023 - Position statement - NHS Long Term Workforce Plan
We welcome the long awaited NHS Long Term Workforce Plan as genuinely ambitious and an important milestone for both staff and patients. The plan will be successful if it results in the expansion of safe, effective and compassionate care and it leads to more patients being partners in their own care and in the design and delivery of the services they use.

2022 - Position statement - Safe staffing
Safe staffing refers to having enough members of staff with the values and skills to deliver high quality care to patients. Safe staffing is a system wide issue.  A trained, competent, and supported workforce with sufficient numbers to deliver high quality patient centred care is an essential component of patient safety. Without an adequate workforce, patient care and safety are compromised. This position statement outlines the views of the Patients Association on safe staffing.  

2022 - Consultation response - GMC Good medical practice
The General Medical Council consulted on its core guidance on professional standards, Good medical practice. It sets out the standards of care and professional behaviour expected of all medical professionals registered with the GMC. This was the first up date in a decade to the standards. In our response, we welcome the focus on kind, compassionate care for patients.

2021 - Consultation response - Review of professional regulators
We were invited to complete this questionnaire as part of the ongoing review of professional regulation.

2021 - Consultation response - Regulating healthcare professionals
Responding to proposals to reform how healthcare professionals are regulatied, we argue for stronger involvement of patients in many of the key processes.

2021 - Consultation response - PSA accredited registers
In this response, we give patients' views on how accredited, voluntary registers for healthcare professionals can be valuable, and also how they can be improved.