We were delighted to welcome Christiana Melam, Marie Adams and Susan Leach to Patient Partnership Week to talk about all things to do with social prescribing. 

Christiana is the Chief Executive of the National Association of Link Workers, the UK's professional network for social prescribing link workers. She is an advocate for diversity, inclusion, coproduction, bottom-up approaches, social justice, empowering people and reducing inequality.

Marie is a social prescriber, and Susan is a patient who has used social prescribing as part of her healthcare. Susan talked candidly about the relationship with Marie and how Marie has helped her cope with some serious challenges in her life. 

Read the blog Christiana wrote for us about the potential of social prescribing.

AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly and Company, and Novartis have provided sponsorship funding to support Patient Partnership Week, and have had no input into or influence over any of the related activities.