Patient experience winter 2023  We asked people to tell us about their experiences of health and social care – here’s what we learned.  Good experiences  1 in 3 people said their care was well coordinated.  1 in 2 people had the information they need to manage their condition.  1 in 2 people were involved in decisions about care and treatment. Poor experiences  2 in 3 people struggled to access at least one of the services they needed. Of the people who struggled, 1 in 5 found it hard to get any help at all.  1 in 2 people said their health and care needs made them feel lonely or isolated.  1 in 2 people said their health and needs had negatively affected their mental health.  The Patients Association winter patient experience survey was conducted online from January 27th to February 20th 2023 inclusive and received 1,933 responses. Our report of the findings, the methodology and the data on which the figures in this infographic are based are available on our website.

Download and share a PDF of the winter survey infographic.

Read the full patient experience winter report.

Published March 16th 2023.