2024 - Letter to the The Rt Hon. the Lord Darzi of Denham OM KBE
The Secretary of State for Health and Care has appointed Lord Darzi to conduct an independent assessment of the state of the NHS in England. We have written to him to offer to share the wealth of data we have on patients' and carers' experiences, and to ask him to ensure he partners with patients during the assessment.

2022 - Consultation response - Working in partnership with people and communities, NHS England
NHS England's statutory guidance for Integrated Care Boards, NHS Trusts, and NHS Foundation Trusts presents positive ambitions and lays out the terms of the NHS sharing power with local communities. We welcome these ambitions, but they will require a major change in the NHS’s culture and operation at every level, which may take many years to embed.

2021 - Consultation response - NICE guideline on shared decision making
NICE's guideline on shared decision making is a welcome development in helpling to secure full involvement of patients in decisions about their care.