Making Families Count (MFC) aims to improve outcomes for families affected by serious harm and traumatic bereavements in health and social care services. Members of MFC joined us to take us through their guide on working with the system.

We heard from:

  • Len Hodkin, a founding member and chair of Making Families Count whose mother was attacked and killed on her way to work by a mental health service user with a history of extreme violence and drug abuse.
  • Jan Sunman, a founding member and former director of Making Families Count, whose eldest daughter Katy, who had learning disabilities and physical disabilities, experienced serious harm in an acute NHS trust.
  • Dorit Braun, is a volunteer project coordinator with Making Families Count and has traumatic lived experience as a family member. 
  • Jan Fowler, is a recently retired senior NHS leader. Her clinical background is in nursing and she was an early advocate of Making Families Count when at NHS England South.

Watch the webinar

Read the slides they presented here.

Patient partnership week November 2022.

Novo Nordisk, AstraZeneca and Nutricia provided sponsorship to the Patients Association to cover the costs of hosting this series of webinars for Patient Partnership Week. No sponsor has had any influence over the content of the webinars, beyond being invited to speak at individual webinars, and full editorial control rests with the Patients Association.