Safety 2024 - Consultation Response to the Patient Safety Commissioner Principles of Better Patient Safety The role of the Patient Safety Commissioner is to promote patient safety in relation to medicines and medical devices and to promote patients' voices. We welcomed the Commissioner's Principles of Better Patient Safety, as they show a clear a commitment to treating patients as equals in their care and putting them at the centre of the health system 2024 - Consultation response - Duty of candourA statutory duty of candour was introduced in 2014 for NHS trusts and extended in 2015 to all other health and social care providers registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC), including care homes. The duty places a direct obligation upon trusts to be open and honest with patients and service users, and their families, when something goes wrong that appears to have caused or could lead to moderate harm or worse in the future (known as a ‘notifiable safety incident’). Our response to the consultation is based on what we heard from members through a survey, namely that the majority of them did not believe the purpose of the statutory duty of candour is clear and well understood. 2024 - Consultation response - Never events Never events are defined by the NHS as "serious incidents that are wholly preventable" because systems exist to prevent their occurrence. The NHS England National Patient Safety Team sought views on whether the existing Never Events Framework continued to serve as an effective mechanism to drive patient safety improvement. We responded that the definition should be revised and a new system created that does not require all relevant incidents to be ‘wholly preventable’. 2022 - Position statement - Safe staffingSafe staffing refers to having enough members of staff with the values and skills to deliver high quality care to patients. Safe staffing is a system wide issue. A trained, competent, and supported workforce with sufficient numbers to deliver high quality patient centred care is an essential component of patient safety. Without an adequate workforce, patient care and safety are compromised. This position statement outlines the views of the Patients Association on safe staffing. 2022 - Consultation response - Fixed recoverable costsWe responded to proposals to limit the legal costs that people can recover when they have been harmed by the NHS, pointing out the dangers of excluding people from justice. 2021 - Consultation response - The appointment and operation of the Patient Safety CommissionerWe argued for the arrangements for the Commissioner's appointment and operation to guarantee their independence as securely as possible, and expressed disappointment that the role will not cover all aspects of patient safety. 2021 - Consultation response - CQC strategyResponding to CQC's draft strategy, we welcomed the strong patient focus and recommended greater clarity on how success would be evaluated.2020 - Consultation response - Framework for involving patients in patient safetyWe responded to the consultation on the draft framework for involving patients in patient safety. The response is a PDF automaticlaly generated by the online questionnaire. 2020 - Consultation response - Draft Complaints Standards FrameworkWe responded to PHSO's online questionnaire about its draft Complaints Standards Framework.2020 - Premature discharge from hospitalThis report describes the experiences of patients who were discharged from hospital when they were not well enough. 2020 - Policy statement - PHSOThe current formal statement of the Patients Association's position on the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. 2020 - Consultation response - Response to NHS Improvement's consultation on the Patient Safety Specialist roleWe welcome the creation of the new role, and call for it to be empowered to lead effectively on safety within NHS Trusts. Manage Cookie Preferences