Over the last 60-plus years the Patients Association has listened to patients and spoken up for change.

Our membership is growing and we want more patients and carers involved in our work. Whether that's taking part in our events, joining our focus groups, responding to our surveys, or joining us as members.

You can support our drive to increase our membership by sharing information about us, and our services, such as our helpline and online information resources.

Download our posters that explains who we are. We have the poster you can see on this page, which also has the number of the helpline, and a toolkit with other information about us. Print it and use it where you know other patients will see it. Or share it as a PDF in your networks.

We also have a poster that explains why we believe patient partnership is so important for patients and the health service.

And let people know how easy it is to join us. It's free to become a member and it opens up opportunities to play your part in our campaign to make patient partnership everyday practice in health and social care.